Beggars Bush: A Perambulation through the Disciplines of History, Geography, Archaeology, Literature, Philology, Natural History, Botany, Biography & Beggary

Brian Twyne A Student’s Correspondence 1609

“Dr. Kinge deane of Christchurch, turned away one morninge fiue bakers and so many brewers of townesmen belongings to yt colledge, and hath priuiledged others and tuke them in their place, which if euery colledge should doe as I thinke we must, we should quickly bringe them to beggars bush.”


The correspondence between Brian Twyne while the latter was at Corpus Christi, Oxford from 1601 to 1612 and his father, Dr Thomas Twyne, a prosperous physician living in Lewes, Sussex, echoes the dialogue between students and parents through the ages. Much of it concerns Brian Twyne’s lack of funds and advancement, and his father’s unwillingness or inability to assist him. Read the rest of this entry »

Posted: March 16th, 2011 | Filed under: Writers | Tags: , , , , , , , | No Comments »

Rye, East Sussex Beggars Bush 1578

Holinshed’s Chronicles were first published in 1578, with a second edition in 1587. It remains a substantial sourcebook for the history and geography of Britain in the late sixteenth century. In Book 6, section 15, the contributor William Harrison lists the principle fairs and markets by date. He says, “On Bartholomew day, at London, at Beggers bush beside Rie, at Teukesburie, at Sudburie, at Rie, at Nantwich, at Pagets, at Bromleie, at Norwich, at Northalerton, at Douer.”

“Rie” must be Rye in East Sussex, but the reference is not without difficulties. It seems unlikely that there would have been a fair “beside” Rye and “at” Rye on the same day.
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Posted: March 13th, 2011 | Filed under: Places | Tags: , , , , , , , , | No Comments »

Annington, West Sussex Beggers busch 1528

A terrier dated 30 March 1528 of the manor of Annington in Botolphs, lists under  “Buttells Dene. The Furlonge called Quochman otherwyse Beggers busch to begyn at the north syde under Hendersch and soe to goe southe to beggers bush.” It is possible the name is older as the document states “this terror is a copie of an old Terror and wryten verbatim with that terror” (WSRO, Wiston Ms. 5163). It is recorded again in 1635 “…in Buttles Deane in the furlong call[e]d Quochmans furlong al[i]as Beggers Bush abutting upon the Land of Edward Hyde…”’(WSRO, EP1/25/3). I am not aware of any later records.

The precise location cannot be found but it is in the Adur valley, and could well be on the parish boundary between Botolphs and Coombes. The Beggars Bush at Sompting is about two miles to the south west, up Winding Bottom towards Steep Down.
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Posted: March 13th, 2011 | Filed under: Places | Tags: , , , , | No Comments »